Dina Story » Mrs. Story's Webpage

Mrs. Story's Webpage

The Comet Way

Hello. My name is Dina Story, and this is my second year back at North Stanly High School and my 18th year teaching. I previously taught at North Stanly High School for six years, South Stanly High School, and Cabarrus County Schools before that.  In the past, I've taught English I-IV, AP Literature, and High School Success, a comprehensive and highly successful CCS program designed to help non-identified struggling readers become more adept at reading while increasing their odds of completing high school. 


I live in Albemarle and have been married to my best friend, Chris, for 37 years. We have two grown daughters and a beautiful granddaughter, Layla, whom we adore. 


Besides my favorite activity--spending time with my family--I love to travel and especially enjoy the beach. It’s my favorite place for relaxation and reflection.  I also enjoy reading and watching movies, hiking, and swimming.


This semester, I will finish the last two components of my National Boards in order to become a National Boarch Certified Teacher. I am thrilled about this process and partnering with you to achieve this professional goal. We're going to have a GREAT semester! 


1st Block:  English II

2nd Block: English II

3rd Block: Planning

4th Block: English IV